We spent most of Day three in the pool at the Grand Californian. ; The weirdest part was that the water was rushing into the pool (from the slide) so fast that it caused a small rip current that would pull you across the pool. ; On Day four we went back to California Adventure and hit the rest of the park we skipped earlier in the trip.
"A Star is Born…"
--DCA2 ; (Day 4)--
"Kiss Da Girl!"
"Teen Angst -vs- Hungry Caterpillar" - I just love the look on the two teenagers faces as they came around the corner of the ride.
"Ain't No Thang but a Parrot Wing!"
"The Kiss"
"Looks like someone could use a ride on the Hug Train. ; Hugga, Hugga, Hugga, Hug Hug!"
"Mickey's Dance Party"
"A Star is Born…"

--DCA2 ; (Day 4)--
"Kiss Da Girl!"

"Teen Angst -vs- Hungry Caterpillar" - I just love the look on the two teenagers faces as they came around the corner of the ride.

"Ain't No Thang but a Parrot Wing!"

"The Kiss"

"Looks like someone could use a ride on the Hug Train. ; Hugga, Hugga, Hugga, Hug Hug!"

"Mickey's Dance Party"