Disney Quest

When we go to Disney world in March we will be arriving midday and were trying to decide what to do for the afternoon. I have never been to Disney Quest and was wondering what it is like? Is it worth the $35 to get in? Can we spend a few hours there and still get our monies worth? Is there something else you think would be a better way to spend our time we really don't want to use a ticket for a half day at the parks.
Depending on what ticket option you purchased, disney quest is included. ; Hubby and I spent a few hours there while we waited for our movie to start and really enjoyed it. ; Not sure that Iwould have spent 35.00 for each of us, probably not worth it.....but the hopper with water park and more gives you entrance..........
Tough to say... if it's a slow day (with short lines) and you've got arcade-addicts, then it might be worth the money... last time we went we found it pretty lame. ; The games we wanted to play were either out-of-order or were being hogged... the 'group games' were empty (huge areas with absolutely no-one but the attendant)... the 'rides' for the most part weren't worth it.

The exception? ; CyberSpace Mountain... you design your own rollercoaster using their design tool... then you get to 'ride' it in a simulator and they rate it. ; That was a lot of fun... I think we went on it 3 times.

The Cheesecake Company dessert bar is decent, but pricey, and the tables are at a premium because it's also an internet cafe.

We didn't even go near a lot of the 'creative' options, though, except for CyberSpace Mountain.

If it wasn't included on the tickets we buy, I doubt I'd spend the money, personally. ; (which could be part of why they're closing it down)
Thanks for the reply's that was the impression I was getting too. Since we are only getting the basic MYW tickets maybe we'll just shop and resort hop.
An afternoon poking around Downtown Disney could be quite fun... heck, I hate shopping and I LOVE time wandering around DTD ;) ; Or maybe see if there's a performance of La Nouba that times out well for you... start your trip off on a fairly 'magical' note ;) ; (unlike DQ, I think a Cirque performance IS worth the money ;) but I'm a Cirque-freak, so slightly biased *laugh*)
The last time we were there we arrived midday and ended up spending our time at Downtown Disney for sure. ; There is plenty to do without using a day on your park ticket. ; We always have to go to Ghirardelli Soda Fountain & Chocolate Shop for a sundae. ; I like being outside in the nice hot weather and not cooped up inside so I don't get excited to do DisneyQuest. ; We did on one trip go to Disney Quest, but like everyone else said, I really didn't think it was all that special. Although it will be closed down permanently in 2008 so this may be your last chance to go. ;
Disney quest will be taken down in 2008, disney has decided that it's not doing that well! I have been to DQ and to tell you the truth i want to jump into a time machine go back it in and stop myself from spending the money to Disney Quest.

Don't go, most of the games are broken. I was a waist of time! I would of rather been going to a park or something else!

The only time you should go to DQ is if it's raining in Disney and there is nothing else to do.