I did a project recently where I tried to photograph the Mickey seen in the fireworks show from different (and possibly strange) places in DLR. So far:
New Orleans Square (on a non-Fantasmic! night):
The handicap elevator landing for the monorail queue:
Small World (Holiday):
Big Thunder (exit queue area - was kicked out about 30 seconds after the shot):
From the Sun Plaza in DCA:
Ramp from Innoventions (sorry - underexposed):
In the fog:
The concierge lounge at the Disneyland Hotel Dreams Tower (before construction):
And my favorite:
Still to catch:
Better shot from Innoventions (I swear I have a much better one around here somewhere...)
Mickey and Friends Parking Structure
Associated Blvd. at Lambert Road (northern Brea - Associated looks right at the parks from about 10 miles away)
Harder to catch: a reflection off of anything
Impossible: From the pyro safety monitoring station on Main Street. (I know some folks that may be able to help...)
Any other location ideas? (Keeping in mind orientation of the Mickey and things that block it out...)
New Orleans Square (on a non-Fantasmic! night):

The handicap elevator landing for the monorail queue:

Small World (Holiday):

Big Thunder (exit queue area - was kicked out about 30 seconds after the shot):

From the Sun Plaza in DCA:

Ramp from Innoventions (sorry - underexposed):

In the fog:

The concierge lounge at the Disneyland Hotel Dreams Tower (before construction):

And my favorite:

Still to catch:
Better shot from Innoventions (I swear I have a much better one around here somewhere...)
Mickey and Friends Parking Structure
Associated Blvd. at Lambert Road (northern Brea - Associated looks right at the parks from about 10 miles away)
Harder to catch: a reflection off of anything
Impossible: From the pyro safety monitoring station on Main Street. (I know some folks that may be able to help...)
Any other location ideas? (Keeping in mind orientation of the Mickey and things that block it out...)