Different places to see Mickey in the Sky (9 imgs)


I did a project recently where I tried to photograph the Mickey seen in the fireworks show from different (and possibly strange) places in DLR. So far:

New Orleans Square (on a non-Fantasmic! night):

The handicap elevator landing for the monorail queue:

Small World (Holiday):

Big Thunder (exit queue area - was kicked out about 30 seconds after the shot):

From the Sun Plaza in DCA:

Ramp from Innoventions (sorry - underexposed):

In the fog:

The concierge lounge at the Disneyland Hotel Dreams Tower (before construction):

And my favorite:

Still to catch:
Better shot from Innoventions (I swear I have a much better one around here somewhere...)
Mickey and Friends Parking Structure
Associated Blvd. at Lambert Road (northern Brea - Associated looks right at the parks from about 10 miles away)

Harder to catch: a reflection off of anything

Impossible: From the pyro safety monitoring station on Main Street. (I know some folks that may be able to help...)

Any other location ideas? (Keeping in mind orientation of the Mickey and things that block it out...)
"fotodave" said:
Very nice stuff Tom.

Only suggestion? ; That statue one, move that flash off the camera and put a CTO gel on it.
Yup, tried that.

The flash *was* off the camera. There were two of them, one so my left, the other way around to the right. They were flashing at each other, not at the statue so I could get the reflection but not have to deal with specular highlights. (Notice that the people on the other side of the statue are not illuminated [or at least hard to see], nor are any reflective materials...) I tried it with a full cut CTO but lost too much light. Trying it with a 1/4 cut made it look kind of weird, so I just went with the au natural look. I'm not sure, but I think the warm look to the pyro throws off how the statue looks. Might try going the other way and cooling it down, or maybe CTO to the right, blue to the left or visa versa, or........
"Roger" said:
Second floor of Innoventions.
Yup, I can't find that one (right off the bat). Got it with Autopia in full light, as well as the area around Tomorrowland. Just need to remember what year I shot it in..... ; ; ;)
"RocketTom" said:
Yup, tried that.

The flash *was* off the camera. There were two of them, one so my left, the other way around to the right. They were flashing at each other, not at the statue so I could get the reflection but not have to deal with specular highlights. (Notice that the people on the other side of the statue are not illuminated [or at least hard to see], nor are any reflective materials...) I tried it with a full cut CTO but lost too much light. Trying it with a 1/4 cut made it look kind of weird, so I just went with the au natural look. I'm not sure, but I think the warm look to the pyro throws off how the statue looks. Might try going the other way and cooling it down, or maybe CTO to the right, blue to the left or visa versa, or........

CTO one side and CTB the other? ; Sounds good. ; I do that a lot with my regular portraits; I'll throw a CTO on the softbox & the rimlight will be CTB.

The warm look to the Pyro is what throws it off for me; i did the same thing a few times with the Topiaries at Epcot during F&G festival. ;
"fotodave" said:
CTO one side and CTB the other? ; Sounds good. ; I do that a lot with my regular portraits; I'll throw a CTO on the softbox & the rimlight will be CTB.
Wait - you may be onto something there. I have some friends with an SB-900, might try 1/4 CTO to the left, 1/4 CTB to the right, and maybe a full cut CTB as a rim? Worth a shot, but I'm not sure I can get 4 people to stake out a special spot for 3 hours before the show. (That, and the rim light would be right where they throw up the ropes, so it may not be possible. Or rim it form the left - yeah, might be worth a try...)