Did you know? - EPCOT

* The leftmost totem pole as you face the Canadian pavilion is the only one of three that is real. The 30 foot pole was created by an Tsimshian indian carver and tells a story of Raven tricking the chief of the skies.

* The prayor tower near the entrance to the Morocco pavilion is a replica of the Kataibia Minaret in Marrakesh.

* The USA pavilion combines architectural elements from the English Georgian and Neoclassical styles found in buildings such as Philiadelphias Independence Hall, Bostons old State House, Thomas Jeffersons home, Monticello and various buildings in Virginias colonial Williamsburg.

* The 'Hall of prayer for good harvests' in the China pavilion is half the size of the original which is located inside the Temple of Heaven complex near Beijing.

* The difference in temperature between the hot and cold test rooms in 'Test Track' is 100 degrees Fahrenehit.

* If all the water cannons in the 'Fountain of Nations' were fired at the same time 2,000 gallons of water would fill the air.

* It would take 13,136,640 jellybeans to fill the Earth sphere in the plaza outside 'Mission Space.'

* If a 'Test Track' ride seems a little 'extra bumpy' its inentional. The tires specially designed and provided by Goodyear are filled to 70 pounds per square inch instead of the usual 35 psi.