1. The two 55-foot totem poles in the Wilderness Lodge, the Eagle and the Raven, were carved in Washington state.
2. Chef Mickey's serves 4,000 eggs, 1,700 Mickey-shaped waffles and 1,500 pancakes every day at breakfast.
3. The Fantasia pool at Disney's All-Star Movies resort has, oh, just about 231,610 gallons of water in it.
4. The original monorail loop - connecting the Transportation and Ticket Center, the resort hotels and the Magic Kingdom - consisted of 337 individual track beams, each of which was 85 to 110 feet long. They were made of concrete with a foamed polystyrene core to lighten the weight to a feathery 55 tons.
5. U.S. Steel, the company that built the Contemporary and Polynesian resorts, had originally planned on owning and running them. But Roy Disney decided to buy them out and let Disney not only own, but operate, its hotels.
6. It would take 4,000 CDs to fill the jukebox in the 'rock inn' area of Disney's All-Star Music resort. That's enough to play for 135 days without hearing the same CD twice.
7. A failed wave-making machine built off the southern shore of Beachcomber Isle near Disney's Polynesian resort, was scuttled on the bottom of the Seven Seas lagoon. While original plans called for the machine to make waves large enough for surfing, the waves caused such beach erosion that the machine was shut down. It now serves as a reef for fish.
1. The two 55-foot totem poles in the Wilderness Lodge, the Eagle and the Raven, were carved in Washington state.
2. Chef Mickey's serves 4,000 eggs, 1,700 Mickey-shaped waffles and 1,500 pancakes every day at breakfast.
3. The Fantasia pool at Disney's All-Star Movies resort has, oh, just about 231,610 gallons of water in it.
4. The original monorail loop - connecting the Transportation and Ticket Center, the resort hotels and the Magic Kingdom - consisted of 337 individual track beams, each of which was 85 to 110 feet long. They were made of concrete with a foamed polystyrene core to lighten the weight to a feathery 55 tons.
5. U.S. Steel, the company that built the Contemporary and Polynesian resorts, had originally planned on owning and running them. But Roy Disney decided to buy them out and let Disney not only own, but operate, its hotels.
6. It would take 4,000 CDs to fill the jukebox in the 'rock inn' area of Disney's All-Star Music resort. That's enough to play for 135 days without hearing the same CD twice.
7. A failed wave-making machine built off the southern shore of Beachcomber Isle near Disney's Polynesian resort, was scuttled on the bottom of the Seven Seas lagoon. While original plans called for the machine to make waves large enough for surfing, the waves caused such beach erosion that the machine was shut down. It now serves as a reef for fish.