Did I marry an axe-murderer?


Remember is only being replaced for the summer. According to the D23 website, Remember will return in the fall
Really? ; That's odd. ; What other park does a major overhaul of their fireworks show but will only use it for 3 months? (Not including a holiday show) ; Now, if the Rivers of America are scheduled to drain after Labor Day, I can possibly understand...but I thought that was scheduled for after Christmas.
Yep...you got her!

I am hoping to maybe have a 30mm F1.4 by the time I go back next...It's either that purchase or the 10-24 wide zoom if it ever comes out.
Great shots all. That is some Excellent work. I was able to get a couple OK shots last January, but I will need a faster lens before the next trip to get some of this caliber.