DHS - General Scenery and Non-Attraction Thread

This photo and the two above were all taken on the same afternoon. It was the last day of my trip and I had a late flight home. This final photo was taken on my way out of the park. I had to stop at Old Key West to pick up my luggage then head to the airport. Unfortunately, as I was riding the parking tram, the skies opened up. My car was parked as far away from the tram stop as possible, so by the time I got there, I was thoroughly soaked.

Once I got my luggage, I changed out of my wet clothes in the car, which, as you probably know, is never easy. It was a really great way to end a trip.

Strangely, a similar thing happened to me five months later at Disneyland. The final day of my trip was a rare rainy day in southern California. After getting soaked in the parks, I had a 3/4 mile walk to my hotel. I spent a couple of hours with an iron and blow dryer trying to dry out my clothes before packing the suitcase.

The Calm Between the Storms
Someday I really need to pay attention to how these lights work. Half the time the light anf flag are out of sync. It kind of looks like the red light has just lit and the flags are starting to change.

Stop and Go