Dec 6 ADR's, Brown Derby 2 pm, Flying Fish 9pm

Re: Dec 6 ADR's, Brown Derby 2 pm, Help choose dinner...

i can really be happy at flying fish, it's been the traditional night before going home dinner for us for the last 5 years, so you know i like the food there
Re: Dec 6 ADR's, Brown Derby 2 pm, Help choose din

Have not been to the Flying fish and been wanting to give it a go myself.

"gary" said:
i can really be happy at flying fish, it's been the traditional night before going home dinner for us for the last 5 years, so you know i like the food there
Re: Dec 6 ADR's, Brown Derby 2 pm, Help choose din

"Zeagle" said:
Lunch or dinner?

I'm doing MVMCP that night so the late lunch times works best for me. ; Then again, if you have a better idea, I'm game.