DCA Disney Animation Building

Awesome photo - looks like a painting. ; Is this an actual attraction? It wasn't there my last trip.
And the rose above the fireplace is phenomenal. ; A definite must in the animation building.

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"Pops" said:
Awesome photo - looks like a painting. ; Is this an actual attraction? It wasn't there my last trip.

Yes, it is....it has been there since the beginning. ; I know this room has been.
"Pops" said:
Awesome photo - looks like a painting. ; Is this an actual attraction? It wasn't there my last trip.

Next time you go, seek it out. ; The building is hard to notice if you do not look up. ; The entrance is nothing which would catch your attention.
You will also find the 3-D Toy Story Zoetrope on display here.

3-D Motion by Scottwdw, on Flickr

A zoetrope is a device that produces the illusion of motion from a rapid succession of static pictures. For 3-D, Disney used small statues. When seen in person and at the proper speed, you see Woody and the gang moving in real space. Knowing how static that would look in a still image, I used a slow shutter speed to show you have fast the zoetrope was moving.