Country Bear Jamboree


Staff member
I really love this show. Here are a few of my favorite pics from the CBJ at WDW...

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Winnie the Pooh filed an eviction notice on the Bears a few years ago back at Walt's place. So sad.

Great shots!!!
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oh man you gonna make me cry, just read on allearsnet, 2 days ago that cbj is NOT doing the christmas show this year, with no word on future reappearance, hope the bears are not headed for the lost attractions, love that show, melvin's my main man
i prefer the CBJ to stay the same classic show, not the christmas version, so i am not too heartbroken. i would be irked if the CBJ goes the way of 20,000 leagues, but i dont see that happening. it's TOO classic for WDW to mess with.
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so was 20,000 leagues, and my take after reading many forums was it was considered too labor intensive for the amount of guests that could be moved through
i believe labor costs are the reason no christmas cbj, i know in my heart that's why there is less xmas decorations up around the world, noticed by us from when we first started mousefest trips, radp 99
i think disney tries to reduce offerings a little at a time, waiting to see if there is any large negative outburst and responds to that
The subs are returning to DLR, so there is hope.

Granted it will be part of the movement of Tomorrowland to Pixarland, which is what I thought DCA was going to switch to....
The bears always seem to be "on vacation" when I'm there, so I've only seen it once (and that was the Christmas version). Good pics, Tim.