Coronado Springs

Great shots! ; These pictures bring back memories. ; We stayed at Coronado two or three times in the late 90's and loved it. ; One of these years we have to check it out again.

Thanks guys. We stayed @ Grand Floridian in Nov '06 (One month before our fist ever stay @ Coronado), so that morning I got up & headed out while my wife headed out for meetings. I rode the Monorail to MK & then caught a bus to CSR. Unfortunately it was a drizzly / rainy morning, not ideal for picture taking. But, it gave me a chance to check out the lay of the land there so I was all prepared for our stay there the following month.
I really have enjoyed these photo's! ; I have stayed there once, but we almost always go there for lunch one day on our trip as we really enjoy the Pepper Market. ; I really must remember to take some photo's there the next time I go.
The Pepper Market is Awesome. My son absolutely loves eating there. He thinks it is so much fun to go from station to station & have them stamp his card. He would probably think differently if he was paying the bill. LOL
Enjoy it Pixie. While you are there, We will be in Jamaica (Beaches). I plan on getting lots of Great pics there.
View from our room...

Chillin' with my youngest...
Very Nice.

We actually had a change of plans. I am currently in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) for a 1 month stretch & then we depart Miami on an Eastern Caribbean Cruise 1 week after I return home on 21 May.