concert shots


i love trying to do concert shots, unfortunately without press access they can be hard to get close enough , or get good angles. here is a shot from this summer, out among the stars bluegrass festival, this is a mostly family band out of salem virginia, one of the hottest picking bands i've seen in a long time
i'll root around and see if i can come up with some better shots from other shows, i was burning to dvd to clear out hard drive for mousefest and thought i'd throw this up here

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here;s a couple more, edgar winter group a couple years ago at the state office plaza downtown albany opening for foghat
edgar is a real challenge, how do you expose for the albino guy without losing shadow detail
these were taken before i got my 85/1.8 which has become my standard concert lens whenever possible

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whoops, clicked on wrong second image

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campbell brothers laying down some serious sacred steel gospel, brother darick on lap steel off to my left, no wide angle so he didn't make it into this one, this is a family gospel group based out of rochester ny, keith dominion church, not to be missed if you ever get the chance, i've seen them a couple of times and they never fail to put the whole crowd on their feet in a frenzy

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foghat in concert

doing the classic slow ride

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here are some pics from Paramount Wonderland's School House Rock.




kelly, great shots, what's your usual concert set up, i'm usually hampered by being in the audience, although 85 1.8 is great if i can foot zoom, works great at venues that set a photo walk down front, something more and more common it seems
i'll throw up a few more from rhythm and roots

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that's a great setup, got to be heavy though, i have the older 80-200 aka the magic drainpipe, no is so hard to handhold and be sharp sometimes

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now i think i should take down the horseflies, not as good or framed well as i thought, here's another from rhythm and roots

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after a while, the setup is no longer heavy. My longest set was 10 hours with that setup plus another 30D w/ grip + 17-55 f/2.8 IS (which was 2 weeks ago). It's tiring, for sure, but those two cameras and respective lenses have been my walkaround system for the past several months.
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i must be getting old then, ;D i think i'd have to take a break , of course the rhythm and roots shots were all taken by walking about 50 feet from my lawnchair to the open front of the stage, 1 shot is of rosie ledet, taken one evening in the dance tent
r&r is a 3 day cajun/roots festival i camp at on labor day weekend, many great acts. hot zydeco in the dance tent each night, great food available and camped right on site
curley taylor & zydeco trouble
the red stick ramblers

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a couple more from r&r, hope people don't mind me making so many posts here, it's actually some of my best work so far, really getting into that 85 also the 100 f2, both are great concert lenses
james hand
jeremy lyons & the deltabilly boys

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why should anybody mind? It'a a photography board and this is the venue to share pictures and learn from each other :D

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