Cindy's Castle HDR

My first attempt at HDR from a pic of the castle I took at PIXELMANIA. ; As you can see I am still using the trial version.

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Dr. Jim, that is an AMAZING shot. ; I know I have said it before, and I'll say it again, I don't like HDR when people make it very fantastical, but this is simply brilliant! ; Nice work.
If anyone is interested, I posted an article on HDR on Picture This! today. ; Walt Disney World in HDR

The bottom has lots of good links on learning how to create HDR images and, if you use Photomatix, a link to some 80 presets to get you started.

Nice Castle HDR, doc!
Thanks for all the nice comments. ; I don't like the "over-the-top" HDR either. Little to "edgy" for me. ; Still can't decide if I want to buy the program or not. ; Christmas present?