China Pavilion Terracotta Warriors


I had not had the chance to see this exhibit before. ; I was the only one in here so I had a chance to really appreciate it.

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Nice job! ; I like the way you shot them with the large photos in the background.

I finally did a walkthrough myself this past January having not been through with a camera before - but I was unfortunately in there with a number of people, so I didn't really have the time or desire to set up some nice shots like yours - mine were more 'snapshot' like, with much more pedestrian backdrop.

I'd very much like to try some shots more like yours next time!
excellent use of background elements, fishy. ; you are giving me new ideas to reshoot things. ;
Excellent pictures! ; I love how you used the images on the walls as a background.

I've taken a few also, but I like yours better!




More of my Epcot China pictures here:
Great job Janet. Of all the times I have been to WDW, this is on exhibit Ihave never seen. I always see to miss it for some reason. One of these days I will make a WDW To Do List.
Great shots and composure Janet! ; I haven't been in there for a long time, and I feel the urge to go back in there this next trip. ; Thanks!
Yeah, if you can get in there when it is quiet and get the room to yourself it is kind of eery and very cool. ; When you compose the shot and are looking close up at the faces of the statues it kind of takes you away for a moment. ;

Thanks everyone
Janet aka "Fishy"