Changing up some equipment--need selling suggestions


Hi all,

I've taken the plunge and gotten a Canon 7D. ; I bought the one with the kit lens--which I may or may not keep.

I currently own a Canon 24-70 2.8L and think I want to swap that for a Canon 17-55 2.8 IS EF-S.

So, my options for selling the 24-70 are either eBay (I have a great feedback profile), craigslist (save on the hassle of packaging and shipping), or FredMiranda (I'm not currently a member of the buy/sell forum, and have no feedback there).

Any thoughts on the best option for a lens that ought to fetch around $900-$1000?


Oooooo, Boris..

That is one really nice camera! ; I spent last Saturday afternoon playing with both this one and a 5D Mark II. ; You are going for the exact setup I would go for. ; Jason loves that lens (17-55 2.8 IS) and has totally sold me on it, if I don't end up upgrading to a full frame camera.

I wish you luck and hope you'll post lots of pics with that new set-up!
Thanks Roni,

As you can see from my sig, I'm headed to WDW in a few weeks, and hope to be able to give the new setup a workout.

The 24-70 is a nice lens, but I've been using it on my XT, as my main lens, and I find it too heavy to hold steady comfortably, so I think the 17-55 2.8 IS will be a better alternative. ; It gets great reviews, and one of the lens rental sites said they are getting too many error messages when it's used on the XT, so it made no sense to get that lens until I get a better body (camera, not me -- that would take a llooonnngg time!).

The cost of the 17-55 is slightly less, so I think even with the depreciation on the 24-70, I should make out okay.


LOL ; I know what you mean on the whole body thing. ; Workin' on it, but I'll wait a lot longer for that than I will for a new camera. :D

I bet you'll make out just fine. ; Can't wait to see your WDW pics!
consider selling it to keh, then using what they give you towards what you want, you won't get as much for it as a private sale, but it's a fairly easy thing to do and you can directly apply the money towards a purchase, and if they have a 17-55 in excellent or like new condition, i would not hesitate to buy from them, fully half my lenses i've bought at keh

and fyi, i used the 17-55 on an xti body in europe 2 years ago, took almost 5000 photos, most with that combo, never ever an error message, so maybe that was a bad copy?
Hi Boris,
; congrats on the 7D! I recently purchased a 5D and it came with the same kit lens. If you decide to sell it I sold mine on eBay for $275 just 2 weeks ago. Good luck!
You'll probably get the most return on Fred Miranda. ; With no feedback, you can always reference your eBay account to help people who may be concerned about the lack of feedback, and/or maybe a few of us here can give you a bump.
If you don't live in a major metropolitan area, getting a good price on CL might be tough. ; Plus, you might have to sift through scammers/low ballers.

I have no idea if Fred Miranda has transaction costs (membership fee? listing fee?), but if not, that would be the route I'd go. ;

Being in Indianapolis, I always just sell big ticket items on CL because I can get eBay market value prices (or more) without paying fees. ; Plus, there is not the same risk of loss like there is on eBay (way too much buyer protection on eBay makes it perfect for scammers).
Thanks for the suggestions.

I live in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, so it's a pretty good CL market. ; How do you deal with a high dollar amount transaction though? ; Personal check seems risky.

FredMiranda does charge a fee of ~$25 to sign up for the service.

I agree about the hassle of eBay -- I really like to avoid packaging and shipping.

I'll look at the KEH option -- I hadn't thought of that.

