Castle photo

Great colors and I like the angle, but I have refrained from taking any shots that that silly crane is in. ; I think that is why I have begun looking for "other" not normally seen angles of the castle. ; I have been trying to find areas to shoot it from that allow me to avoid having that crane in the shot.
I assume that's a Fantasyland crane visible from there? ; Not as bad as when the castle lights crane is right next to it, but I'd still probably just clone the crane out.

I like the wide angle from Crystal Palace - I've actually tried a similar one myself years ago...just something different.
Very nice colors and I love the reflection. ; I too think doing away with the crane (either in post processing or WDW removingit) will make this a home run!
Thanks everyone for noticing the crane...:) I actually just got CS5 today from a friend. I'm going to try the content aware on it to remove it. Everyday I was in MK, the crane would move in my way no matter what shot I tried to get. That plus that darn box over Main Street Bakery.
Even just a fast dose of clone brush should knock that thing right out of there - or content aware...whichever's easier. ; I've had to remove the Christmas light crane a few times from castle shots in the past.
MUCH! ; Content-aware fill works ok most of the time but other times it can be a real butcher. ; You did a nice job here.
Looks much better. ; Like Tim said, content aware works sometimes, not so much others. ; The best tool to get to learn is the Clone/heal tool. ; It's pretty simple, and it allows you to choose a brush size, strength, feathering, etc, then brush out very specific areas from large to small.