Can't believe I haven't posted this one - the "Shot"


Staff member
You ever have that "shot" that you really wanted, and it took patience, along with excellent timing for weather, crowds, (smog), etc?

Usually you can't recreate it...ever.

<img src="" />

This has to be my favorite picture I have taken (non-Fantasmic) at DL.

I was never able to recreate this image during my local "time served". Probably because the sky is either: overcast or yellow.

And there is a quirk about this image, and I wonder if anyone can catch it.
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Hmm, this was before the CA crackdown...of course the branches of trees are JUST OUTSIDE the windows, but it's probably also because these are the narrow gauge monorails compared to the regular gauge monorails.

For some reason I also think DL's are still Alweg, and not Disney Reverse-Imagineering.

But that's not it.
So since no-one seems to have figured out the quirk.. how about spilling it?

I'm guessing this may be something that won't even mean anything to me.. since I'm not very familiar with DL. Still I'd like to know.
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It's the back of the monorail, even though if you look at where the picture's angle is pointing you would assume it's going to the left.