Can someone create a logo for me


Staff member
Can someone help me to create a logo based on the one below.
Or, point me to the right place.

I need a 1000x1000, 500x500, 100x100 pixel version of the original logo below.
I need it be .png with a transparent background.
And I would like it have a bevel or some kind of modern dimension to it. Like a chrome reflection or brushed steel look.

I have been trying to create it for some time now, and I just can't figure out how.
Thanks for any help I can get.

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Sounds like a good challenge...

I gotta go to Toms River today first,

if noone has attempted this by the time I get home, I will give it a try :)
Something like this?


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I have been trying so hard. I used yours to create exactly what I had in my mind.

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HERE is the final! (I hope)

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That came out great, Craig. Now, would anyone what to do one for my PSCalculator site that does NOT use the Mickey Mouse calculator look? I love it but no one will make pins, buttons or other stuff from it. Can't blame them there.

Links in my signature.
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That looks great Craig! Glad I could help. In case you need it again, the emboss filter will give you the beveled edges.
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Craig, I really like your logo - very unique. I have one small suggestion: maybe think about altering it to be more transparent, like a watermark. My husband thought it was an object in one of your pictures, so it may be slightly distracting for some people. Just a friendly suggestion! :)