Camera equipment

B&H Photo is a great place to visit in NYC. Disneyland of camera shops. Especially if you like the Soup Nazi, I think his shop is only a few blocks away.

I also use

Costco has a great return policy, which I'm hearing might change 1/1/07.

Otherwise I find the local "pro" shop. Used to be Pro Photo Irvine, now Precision Camera
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per my spousal unit, i am no longer allowed in b&h while carrying a credit card unless accompanied by adult supervision at all times, it really is the disney of camera shops, if they don't have it,it probably isn't made
i've also had good transactions with calumet, adorama, and keh out of marietta georgia for used equipment, about half my lenses purchased used from them, always exactly in the condition they say it is
I have to buy anything like this online since I live in a small town in Indiana. The closest thing to a photo shop is in Indy which is a couple of hours away. I particularly like the idea of buying used equipment as long as it is in good condition. So, thanks for the info and I'll try some of the sites out.
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