If you want to find a place where you can shoot birds in flight, then Florida in winter is your place. There are so many opportunities, so close, that you could shoot BIF with a P&S camera. Maybe even with a plate camera. Or a daguerreotype. It's just too easy down here with all the opportunities! Nesting season for the big wading birds, prime hunting season for raptors, and lots of wintering birds down to roost here until weather warms up north - it all adds up to hundreds of birds flying around all day within 10-100 feet of you. Crazy fun.
Some birds in flight shot this winter so far, with the A6300 and FE100-400mm combo:
Great blue heron:
Tricolor heron:
Snowy egret:
Double-crested cormorant:
Egyptian geese:
Great egret:
Great blue heron with nesting materials:
Black-bellied whistling ducks:
Glossy ibis:
Cattle egret:
Neotropical cormorant:
Belted kingfisher:
Roseate spoonbill:
Little blue heron:
Crazy selection of birds down here right now, and so many in flight every day, morning and late afternoon...it's like a shooting gallery.
Some birds in flight shot this winter so far, with the A6300 and FE100-400mm combo:
Great blue heron:

Tricolor heron:

Snowy egret:


Double-crested cormorant:

Egyptian geese:

Great egret:

Great blue heron with nesting materials:

Black-bellied whistling ducks:


Glossy ibis:

Cattle egret:

Neotropical cormorant:

Belted kingfisher:


Roseate spoonbill:

Little blue heron:

Crazy selection of birds down here right now, and so many in flight every day, morning and late afternoon...it's like a shooting gallery.