birding with new toy

thanks Coo1eo.
Elander I thought the noise on the 800 wasn't as low as say the D3s or D4. not that it matters anyway as this is the last purchase I make for a loooooooong time.
I wish Nikon would come out with a D300 upgrade. I love the D7000 but its buffer sucks and could use a tad more FPS too
I like your decision here, Howie. ; It makes sense for your needs. ; Hopefully, Nikon will upgrade the D300s later this year. ; You really do need a Pro style body to work with. ; I found the D7000 a great camera but missed the ease of use of the D700's buttons to make changes fast.
I have been shooting with Auto ISO in ; A priority with easy exposure comp to keep from having to hit too many buttons. I only have to switch between AF-C and AF-S on occasion
Howie, I think no matter what you are using for gear, your technique and skills are what will continue to help you get these great shots. ; Keep it up.

That last egret shot would make a fine large print!
What Paul said. It doesn't matter what tools you use from now on, your technique has gotten to the point you'll still get great shots.
