I've been enjoying playing around with a new lens for my A6000 mirrorless camera - I picked up the lovely and sharp FE70-200mm F4 G OSS lens, as I wanted a high quality decent mid-zoom I could use for some light birding when I don't want to lug the heavier DSLR along with the big zooms. The build is fantastic on the lens, it's super-sharp, and it's quite fast, so it really lets you get a true sense of what the A6000's focus tracking ability and speed can do - in fact, I hadn't quite appreciated how good it was until this lens: I used to call the tracking 'almost as good' as an entry DSLR, but now I'm confident this camera continuously focuses and tracks above the level of most entry DSLRs, solidly in the mid-DSLR level!
Anyway, thought I'd share some bird photos, for those who like and care about birds, or anyone wanting to know how the lens performs...enjoy:
Lovely female red-winged blackbird:
Blue-winged teal in flight:
American bittern in flight, in the rain:
Anhinga drying himself off:
Red-bellied woodpecker:
Northern cardinal:
Cattle egret all colored up for mating season, flying in:
Colorful purple gallinule, walking the reeds with those big feet:
Birds this time of year are bringing back sticks to help build their nests...this wood stork decided to bring home a whole tree!:
Great blue heron, with a more reasonable sized stick:
Rare and exotic mutant...the two-headed wood stork:
Cattle egret coming straight at me, straight at me, straight at me...then suddenly a sharp bank to the right!:
Anyway, thought I'd share some bird photos, for those who like and care about birds, or anyone wanting to know how the lens performs...enjoy:
Lovely female red-winged blackbird:

Blue-winged teal in flight:

American bittern in flight, in the rain:

Anhinga drying himself off:

Red-bellied woodpecker:

Northern cardinal:

Cattle egret all colored up for mating season, flying in:

Colorful purple gallinule, walking the reeds with those big feet:

Birds this time of year are bringing back sticks to help build their nests...this wood stork decided to bring home a whole tree!:

Great blue heron, with a more reasonable sized stick:

Rare and exotic mutant...the two-headed wood stork:

Cattle egret coming straight at me, straight at me, straight at me...then suddenly a sharp bank to the right!: