Biiig project - I think alot of you are going to like!


Staff member
I have been slowly working on finishing a massive project in my galleries...and with a few exceptions, I've completed it and it's ready to use.

I go to Disney very often, since I live nearby, and have tried many different angles and places to shoot. I've been asked many times by those who don't frequent the parks as often, where I took a particular shot, or asking recommendations for good places to shoot.

I've decided it's time to put on my silver space boots and leap into the future...each photograph in practically my entire online gallery has been geotagged, with the precise coordinates of where I was standing when the photos were taken. Under each photo (when viewing them individually), you will see a link to 'view map'. Clicking on this for any photo will take you to a map with a thumbtack stuck in it showing where I was standing when the photo was taken, plus or minus a few feet. The map can be switched between satellite and standard map, and can be zoomed in or out.

Once you've clicked the map feature for any one photo, you'll see thumbtacks for all other photos I've you can zoom out on the map and see all the locations at once, or go through the galleries to find a particular photo and go right to the map for that particular photo.

I'm hoping it will be informative, useful, fun, and just neato for anyone who is looking through my gallery...I'm finding it quite entertaining myself just playing with it, and I KNOW where I was standing!

So feel free to visit the galleries anytime, if you were going to anyway, and if you wanted to know from what location a particular shot was taken, or just want to confirm if your guess as to where I was is correct, just click on the 'view map'!

( the Animal Kingdom galleries, I've only geotagged the more recent animal photos - I still have to go through the dozens of animal photos taken in the past few years on the galleries and tag them too. Also...'Where am I' entries won't be geotagged!) :)
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Should be ready to go now...other than a few animal pics in AK. Eventually, I'll throw those in too, but they weren't as high priority. For now, all the parks and resort photos are tagged to where I was standing when I snapped them.
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Thanks Craig & Rog. Those GPS units are fun - I don't know that they would have a whole lot of purpose unless you travel a fair bit, but if you're just looking for a toy because you're an electronics geek, then why not!

For something like Disney, the geotagging actually can have a purpose for when folks are always asking how you got a particular angle or perspective, or for folks who haven't been there as often as many of us have and may not know the best spots to go to for photos.
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