Before the murals came down...


Knowing the murals were coming down, I wanted to get one -last- shot of the entrance letters with the murals in place. But I wanted that nice blue sky that you get about 45 minutes (or so) after sunset. But anybody could see the problem: People. Lots of people. All over the letters. Not quite what I was going after.

Well, if you like the color of the sky 40 minutes after sunset, you might get it 40 minutes before sunrise. It was this, or nothing. So I got to the parks around 5-ish, Labor Day morning. The only folks around were some maintenance folks, along with the overnight crew signing out. While I got some looks from them, (and security keeping an eye on me,) I was able to snap away without any folks crawling all over the letters. (Although that IS fun...)



Gallery here:

Hate to see this stuff go, but I'm excited to see what will go up.

The letters are currently dressed up in the holiday wrap (candy-cane style), these were dressed up for World of Color. After the holidays, the letters come down. The top image shows some of the design elements that went into making this: Palm trees, murals, the Golden Gate, and the letters. ALL of those will be removed - I think the letters come out after the holidays are over. While what they're planning on putting up will look good, I don't ever think it'll measure up to this kind of visual.

For some folks, the letters now work their way into Christmas cards and such. Hate to see'em go. ; :(
nice props for getting there good and early to get the shot. ; i particularly like the 3/4 perspective on the second shot. ; i wasn't able to get a photo of these when i was there in 05 and 07 but you nailed the capture. ; nice work.
Thanks guys!

Tim: I did a shot for both the left and right side, but found a problem with how the letters were lit. All the ground-up lights were functioning, but they were a bit mis-aligned for the last "A". Being closest to it let the color of the letter show through. It was a fun shot to think through, plan and execute.

jbwolffiv: - scroll down to "Parallel Projection". Basically 1/2 the way from full front to full side.