Gary, you are right about that being a coveted ticket. ; They began taking reservations for the 2012 season in January 2011. ; That's right, 18 months out. ; We made our reservations on January 3, the first day they took them after the holiday. The salmon run is basically the month of July with some overlap either way depending on the year. ; A two night Air/Lodging package is $1298 for two people. ; The most expensive nights lodging I have ever spent. ; We stayed in a small but comfortable cabin with bunk beds, a sink and shower. ; They also do day trips where you fly in in the morning and fly out in the afternoon. ; We flew in on a float plane but our landing had to be diverted due to high winds and waves on the lake next to the lodge. ; We landed on a smaller nearby lake and were trucked in by jeep to as close as they could get and then hiked the rest of the way in. ; We talked to some people a few days later after we had left Brooks Lodge whose day trip flight was cancelled due to weather. ; Quite disappointing for them since their schedule only allowed them to visit on that day. ; They had booked their trip a long way out too.