Backyard Weed


Staff member
I saw this in the backyard of the lot where they are building my house

Exposure:0.002 sec (1/640)
Focal Length:55 mm
ISO Speed:400
Exposure Bias:0/6 EV
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I really didn't see the power of RAW until I worked on this photo. I decided to crop it and process it before converting it to JPG again. This is what I got

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You have seen the light...of the digital darkroom. :D
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Yes I have. I've come to the conclusion that I may be plunking down some money for one of those there Epson do-hickey things you and Tim carry around the parks so that I can shoot RAW and only carry 2 flash cards
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"biblioadonis" said:

You might want to edit the title of the post. Otherwise we might get a very different type of member!

Hehe.. that's okay, I mean Pixar already had a stoner car in Cars.. "natural fuel" indeed.. I'll bet it's herbally based..
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