Backstage Magic Tour


Thinking about doing a Disney Tour this year. ; Though it looks pretty cool -it come comes with a steep price tag at $250 pp. ; Is it worth it? ; What are your thoughts?
We thought about doing that tour bit settle on the KTTMK tour this coming trip. It's 5 hours and was about $85. Its for adults only and I've heard great things about it from others that have been.
I did the Keys tour a few years ago. It was a great tour and I learned a lot that I did not know about the park. If this is going to be your first tour at Disney, I'd definitely recommend the cheaper Keys tour as a starter tour then take the Backstage Tour on the next trip.
I did the Backstage Magic tour several years ago. I know it has changed since then, but if you can afford the time and money, I recommend it. The big advantage that it has over the shorter tours like Keys to the Kingdom or Undiscovered Future World is that the latter two entail LOTS of walking. Since Backstage Magic visits at least three parks and the north industrial complex, you get to ride a bus around, giving your feet a rest.