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Terrible lighting is relative. ; These high school rinks are much worse. ; I use high ISO, EV, Noise Ninja and lots of processing. ; Not bad results but not good either. ; Looking forward to the D700 tomorrow. ; I've set it up for 8fps and boy does it rattle off the shutter.
Rookies and juniors eventually learn not to cross the line with the head down...usually by kindly teachers like Scott Stevens who help youngins learn - a harsh lesson sometimes, but once they recover from the concussion and get back on the ice after a few weeks, they know one thing for sure: heads up.

Hey...St. Louis! ; Continuing the Gretzky theme (from his short stint with that team after LA in 96). ; In fact, his St. Louis autographed jersey is sitting over my bar right now...while his Rangers stick graces my office wall. ; I've got about 20 autographed sticks, 4 pucks, 4 jerseys, and assorted plaques, photos, and other bits and pieces in my hockey memorabilia collection.
Very cool, Justin! ; I got a bunch of Canadiens stuff I haven't found a place for yet. ;

Shooting with the D700 last night was a blast. ; Literally, as it sounded like I was shooting off gunfire. ; :D ; I'll post some later today once I get a change to process the pick of the night. ; ISOs in the 2800 to 5000 range most of the night depending on distance and cycling lights. ; Found the 70-200 range with FX not bad for blueline and in. ; A bit of stretch to shoot the length of the rink which the 1.5x crop handles fine. ; Still, 300mm would be too much.
The only Canadiens stuff I've got is an autographed Guy LaFleur photo, part of my 'classic' collection of autographs - Gordie Howe, Bobby Hull, Phil Esposito, and Billy Smith are in there too.

My company co-organized a sports celebrity golf tournament here in Florida for about 8 years, and part of that was tons of sports memorabilia and various pro and retired players - the stuff for charity auction, and the players to be celebrity golfers. ; So I had a great opportunity to grab some very cool stuff - some autographed in person which cost me nothing, and some I bought for the charity auction. ; I was even more fortunate that most of the folks down here at the tournament were more baseball and football fans since this isn't really a hockey I didn't have much competition in the bidding!
Had a lot of fun using the Nikon D700 with battery grip and 70-200 VR I lens. ; Processing was much easier as the colors didn't need any added boost, no noise reduction though the higher ISO shots would look slightly better with it. ; I might do that for the player close ups. ; The 8fps ; fills a card fast! ; Gave me a lot of chances to catch the action at it's peak as you'll see below.

It was Senior Night so there was some pre-game festivities. ; This player was enjoying it.

Nikon D700/70-200VR, 1/500s, f/2.8, ISO 4000, EV +0.7, 200mm focal length

Ithaca goalie stops a Baldwinsville scoring attempt.

Nikon D700/70-200VR, 1/500s, f/2.8, ISO 2800, EV +1.3, 82mm focal length

Ithaca scores to take a two goal lead in the second period. ; This was taken from near the far goal line (about 180 feet away) and cropped about 60%.

Nikon D700/70-200VR, 1/500s, f/2.8, ISO 4500, EV +1.3, 200mm focal length

Baldwinsville player went all out to put in the tying goal late in the third period. ; They played a 5 minute overtime period to no avail. ; Game ended in a 3 all tie.

Nikon D700/70-200VR, 1/500s, f/2.8, ISO 5600, EV +1.7, 110mm focal length
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Guy those were the days, Justin. ; Don Cherry still has nightmares about him. ; ;D ; The rest of your "classic" collection would make quite the power play squad. ; Just need to add Bobby Orr to quarterback it.
That's a great shot on the tying goal. ; That's where that fast burst can really come in handy. ; I know what you mean on the machine gun sound - the first time I tested my A550 in 7fps mode, I nearly dropped it - the sound of that many frames rattling off so fast sounded like a gun.

I still love the old school guys - and miss them. ; Tough guys back then were tough guys for real - no helmets and smaller pads - and certainly not afraid to lose a few chiclets for their team. ; Funny thing about those Canadians (the people, not the team) person they can be so nice, and gentle, that you just can't imagine them ever fighting. ; Look at Don Cherry - crazy suits and all, you figure he's a cream puff...but those guys could bang!

I'd love to get my whole team of sticks and jerseys together as a team too - Gretzky, Tkachuk, Lafontaine, Brett Hull, Vanbiesbrouck, P. Bure, Jagr, Bondra, and Leetch.

If you ever get a bead on a Bobby Orr anything, let me know - I'd love to add him to my collection too - maybe throw in a Rocket Richard.
I know what you mean, Justin. ; I attended a few summer hockey schools in Ontario with NHL players back in the 70's. All were a lot of fun to be on the ice with. One of them was Bobby Orr's camp. ; I have a pic of me and Orr, will that work for ya? ; :)
Here are some player close-ups taken during pre-game warm-ups with the D700. ; I needed it to get used to that fast fps. ; These where the best of a set of 5 to 8 image of each player. ; The lens kept focus throughout, too.



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Back to the Nikon D70 last night. ; Which means back to using Noise Ninja and a need for some color correction on dark green jerseys which looked bluish to my camera.

The B'ville rink lets me shoot around the netting on one end which allowed me to get this unique view right down the boards.

I played goalie for a season and hated it when a hard shot you are expecting gets tipped and floats over your head into the goal. ;

Also, as I goalie I hated getting beat cleanly. ; These pics remind me why I went back to a skating position. ; :)
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Nice work. ; The closeups on the new cam are great. ; Why'd you go back to the D70, out of curiosity?

Goalies not only have to deal with those tiny little holes in their pads where the puck likes to slip through even when you think you've got it, and those twirly pucks that sneak over the top after you blocked it, or those nasty deflecting pucks that aren't even going in the net until they catch a defenseman's skate, and being beaten cleanly too...but they also have to deal with having the entire game on their shoulders - if they have a good game, maybe they get some credit, maybe not...but if they have a bad game, they become the entire reason your team lost. ; I've always felt sorry for goalies!
"zackiedawg" said:
Nice work. ; The closeups on the new cam are great. ; Why'd you go back to the D70, out of curiosity?

The D700 wasn't mine. A friend lets me borrow it from time to time. ; Just gets me stoked to keep saving my money for my own. ; Of course, Nikon might have an upgrade to it by then. ; Hoping for the same sensor as they put in the D3s. ;