so it's tuesday, day one of a lerro productions photo charter, steam powered both days, double headed steam on wednesday. so out on the line, i posted an earlier morning shot, with the oil flame from the bottom, this will be all engine #29 in these next couple of posts. i know we have a lot of train enthusiasts on here. so i aim to give you what you want, steam in the west,
so i tried out the dehaze slider, i really wanted to try to salvage these overcast misty day morning shots, and what do you know, it worked a bit, i was able to keep quite a few shots i would have probably thrown away, here is one of them of the alco units passing by us with the daily tourist train, while we are in the siding, stabbed in the hole in railroad talk
and another saved from the scrap heap of pixels
up in coconino canyon, not too far from the grand canyon, maybe 10-15 miles i'd guess
and we stopped at what they call the new train station, it's now the back country office, but when built was supposed to become the shuttle train office when the parks service was attempting to ban all private cars from the park in high season, and run shuttle trains back and forth from tusayan, the community immediately outside the main visitors entrance. so the walking route to the rim and bright angel lodge led right past the mule stables, one way to go down into the canyon
we actually were starting to see clearing skies at this point, so shots of the canyon were not too bad
some of bright angel lodge from studio lookout, a little art shop you can walk through and on out onto a nice viewing terrace
a pretty decent view of bright angel trail, it switchbacks down the rim to that mesa below, to indian garden, a natural spring in that grove of trees, where many hikers rest and camp to break up either the ascent or descent, then the trail goes off to the right into that crevasse you see, and continues to switchback it's way down to the colorado river on the canyon floor, you can cross on a suspension bridge, and climb out to phantom ranch. i believe it's 7 miles to the ranch.
last of the rim shots for today, and the last of todays post. if there are no objections this thread will continue for a few more days as i post more, i will continue tomorrow with afternoon/golden hour shots from our return to williams