Anyone get shots of the new Spaceship Earth?


Staff member
I see it's going through soft openings... (probably to prevent another Imagination 2.0 fiasco)
I missed it 4 different times while there for Mousefest! Every time I would pass by, it was closed. Then I'd be at the other end of the park, and hear mention that it was open from people who just rode it, but by the time I made it back...closed again.

Oh well...I'll have to hit it in January now.
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I have 200+ shots of the new SSE. top quality. look for them soon.
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Well, here's to hoping that it'll be softopened again a few weeks before the real opening! (Prob will knowing Disney's recent history)
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signage outside of the attraction touts feb. 2008. it should be noted that this is not considered an 'official' soft opening... more like a test preview than anything. one can clearly see how unfinished the attraction is, but i will write about that later.
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"Tim" said:
signage outside of the attraction touts feb. 2008. it should be noted that this is not considered an 'official' soft opening... more like a test preview than anything. one can clearly see how unfinished the attraction is, but i will write about that later.

You mean the ending Kevin referred to.

You know, if SSE was the Canon 1DMk3 on a photography forum, it would mean that the ride can never be fixed based on Kevin's report. But I think they aren't done yet. Perhaps just trying to make sure that certain elements on the new vehicle work when fully loaded? (and to gauge reactions to those show elements as well)
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Can't wait to see the shots, Tim. SSE was always one of my favorites - from the time I first rode it in 1984.

The construction of the geodesic dome was really interesting. I spent a couple summers working for the construction firm that built SSE and they had a whole book they put together internally about what went into it. It was pretty revolutionary at the time - both the design and the manner in which they had it assembled.

Can anyone confirm the rumour I heard about an appearance by someone looking to be Steve Jobs near the end ? Kind of a creating of the Apple computer in a garage homage ? I can't remember where I read that rumour, but it sounded entertaining. The rumour mentioned there was no Steve Wozniak to be seen, which is a travesty.
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The actual appearance of the Audio-Animatronic looks more like Steve Wozniak than Steve Jobs and John Frost of The Disney Blog posted that it is rumored that it's really Woz.

Plus, I have quite a few pictures as well since I was on SSE every time Tim was. I even got one addition ride in that he didn't! I really wish they had the a/c running on the darn thing
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Good to hear about Woz. The Steve Jobs hype machine has left Woz's role in geek history a little in the dust ... but Woz is an entertaining cat, and when I had heard that he may have gotten left out, I was a little miffed.

I've always been partial to the Apple story - and maybe a little nostalgic, since my dad bought one of the first four hundred Apple ]['s ever sold. Still have it in the basement, and we fire it up once a year to make sure it works. Anyone up for a game of Lemonade and a rousing trip through Werdna's Lair ?!? (if you have to ask, you wouldn't understand)
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"harra" said:
The actual appearance of the Audio-Animatronic looks more like Steve Wozniak than Steve Jobs and John Frost of The Disney Blog posted that it is rumored that it's really Woz.

Plus, I have quite a few pictures as well since I was on SSE every time Tim was. I even got one addition ride in that he didn't! I really wish they had the a/c running on the darn thing

When I first went on I thought it was Jobs just because of the relationship we have with them. But after doing further research and talking to a few CMs it is Woz but in Jobs garage. The History Chanel did a special on the 80's not to long ago and did the story of Apple. I guess just to be safe we can call him Steve.
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