Any pictoral goals for Pixelmania?


With everyone excited to meet each other and hang out during the first weekend in December for the Pixelmania event....I was wondering if anyone had any particular goals or a "have to get" pictures while you're at WDW?

I got the idea after reading Tim's "finally, got it!" picture of Spaceship Earth including the emblem and no people spoiling the pic. :)

So, anyone looking for an elusive photograph to capture?
I don't have a list, but there are a few shots I have in mind, such as better fireworks shots or a long-exposure night shot of SSE with the monorail passing by. ; I also have two new lenses to try out: ; 35mm f/1.8 and 11-16 mm f/2.8.

One specific goal I have is to try and take a shot from the same location as this one I took in 1982:

(Click on the picture to go to its Flickr page.)

I'm sure the current view of SSE is blocked by the canopy over the area, but I want to check it out nonetheless.
i have at least 1 must have shot, i need the tree of life at night, i have 3 16x20 prints on my wall of the other 3 park icons, but i was not able to make it happen last year during mousefest and the may trip for the nursing conference didn't lend itself to it either, too hot and emh was on a night when we had conference schmoozing to do, so that's happening somehow this trip

and i have 4 new primes acquired this year to be trying out
canon 14mm f2.8 L, 35mm f1.4 L, 50mm f1.2 L and 135mm f2 L
the 35 and 50 were just delivered friday night by the magical brown truck of goodies, so i'll be anxious to practice some, and then to see what they can do at pixelmania

also on the highly likely, right below must do, is a retake of lights of winter arch with monorail passing by, big shout out to tanner for the tip on location, now i want to see what a couple primes can do with it
I honestly have no agenda for pics at all. I cant wait to meet everyone and see old friends again after way too long!
I have no idea on what pictures I want to take. ; I always get a sense of something I want and try to shoot for it. ; Sunsets at Fort Wilderness always got me excited.

My son, on the other, has plans for me. ; The last time I took a solo trip, Conner gave me a Wall-E toy to watch over me while I was gone. ; So I took Wall-E wherever I went, and posed him for pictures. ; Conner would like me to do that again. ; I think the toy of choice this time is Minnie Mouse in a grass skirt.
I can't think of anything right at the moment, but I am anxious to try shooting at night with a tri-pod and seeing what I can get. ; This will be more of a learning experience for me, and a great time to meet everyone.
Of course we are always out for that perfect photo and I would love to get some great photos. ; But my main goal this trip is to get a great family photo since our only family photo was taken the day our daughter was born. Not sure how we are going to achieve it, especially when I take the photos and Sean hates photos being taken, but it is certainly the goal.
"Sean&Karen" said:
Not sure how we are going to achieve it, especially when I take the photos and Sean hates photos being taken, but it is certainly the goal.
Well you shouldn't have a problem finding someone to take the pictures at Pixelmania! ; Heck you may be able to get a bunch of people to take pictures and at least one of them will have Sean looking good in it...hehe
Nothing too specific for me...mostly just continuing project pics that I either forget to try again, or want to improve upon. ; I've been wanting to take some more ND400 daytime slow shutter shots, but there is just no way I can do those in the summer months - too hot to stand there setting up tripods and wired shutter releases in direct sunlight. ; Hopefully Pixelmania will get some nice moderate to cool weather so I can get those!

And occasionally I get some inspiration from others here who have taken cool shots I wouldn't mind trying out.

If I end up with my new camera by Pixelmania, then reshooting all the dark rides will be in order, since I'll finally be able to shoot clean ISO3200 & 6400, and even push 12800 with some cleanup - whereas my current cam only goes up to 3200 and it's really hurting there, requiring a ton of cleanup. ; The new cam does 12800 better than my current cam does 3200.

Otherwise, it'll just be nice hanging up there with everyone else, meeting some new folks and reacquainting with those I already know. ; Traveling solo, no obligations, nowhere I have to be, and nothing I have to do!
I just realized I do have a goal, I want to take pictures of Toon town before it changes into the Princess thing. ; Family had a good time back there, not sure how much fun the boys and I are going to have back there when it changes over.
Ah...good idea about the Toontown area! Wow, I didn't think of that.

One of my goals is to take as many shots of the characters in their 'picture spots'. I'm putting together some lists (and hopefully with pics :) ) of the character meet n' greets at all of the parks.
The Toontown shots were a goal for my LAST trip in September. ; But it was so hot and sticky that I never even strayed over that way while in MK - just hit Tomorrowland, cut through the castle to Liberty Square, over to Frontierland then Adventureland, and out. ; Bypassed Fantasyland/Toontown all together (extreme heat combined with the highest concentration of kids/people make Fantasyland a regular summer bypass for me).

Pixelmania may be cooler and I'll put that back on my shoot goal list too.
Toontown sounds like a great idea and a lot of fun. Outside of that I would like to focus on the Cast Members this time around. It would make a great compilation to have a collection from all the various parks.
That's interesting Zeagle! Are you looking to get the castmembers "in action" or posing for you to focus on the uniform/costume?