Any ideas?

it would be fun to do this on a yearly basis, but let's see how year one goes first... ; i don't know how much sanity i will have left come december... ; ;)
Do we really need hours? ; I just thought we stay out as late as possible and find someplace to take pictures! ; :D
It looks like there are evening Extra Magic Hours at Animal Kingdom on Wednesday, December 2. ; Anyone interested in a night photo meet (and maybe a few trips on Everest)?
"WDWFigment" said:
I really wish we could go on this. ; Too bad school interferes. ; This may have been posted elsewhere, but any plans to make this a yearly tradition, Tim?
I too wish I could go!! ; :'( ; We had plans to go but couldn't score a DVC reservation for the beginning part of December so we'll be arriving *after* Pixelmania. ; :'( :'(

Have fun everyone!!! ; :D
"ddindy" said:
It looks like there are evening Extra Magic Hours at Animal Kingdom on Wednesday, December 2. ; Anyone interested in a night photo meet (and maybe a few trips on Everest)?

Oh, I should be up for some that action, Dennis. ; When will you be arriving at WDW? ; I'll be there from 11/28 to 12/6.
I'll be there 12/2 through 12/16 (with a short break in the middle to visit family).

I also found out that there's a satellite launch scheduled for 12/4 at KSC. ; Of course, that's subject to change and no more details are available right now.
.... ; here's a little teaser...

the pixelmania "planning board" is working on the schedule right now...
something should be coming out in the not too distant future. ; no tentative date is scheduled, however.
December 2nd sounds awesome. ; I plan to spend the day at Universal, and then head over to Animal Kingdom for extra magic hours. ; Sounds cool to me.
It looks like Tim needs to add the AK Night Meet to the Pixelmania schedule as a special bonus for early arrivals.
Darn, my flight arrives around 8:30 pm that night, might need to accelerate my schedule if possible.
"Paul" said:
Darn, my flight arrives around 8:30 pm that night

Bad luck, Paul. ; (Or is it bad planning?) ; Maybe we can talk Disney into keeping AK open until 11 pm just for us. ;D

I shouldn't talk, though. ; I'm flying AirTran, and they're notorious for changing flight schedules. ; They've already changed mine once, but fortunately it gave me an earlier arrival in Orlando.
Yo are so lucky. ; Airtran changed mine 4 times without telling me. ; I only noticed because I went online to confirm with a friend of when I am flying down in October and noticed that my Non-stop flight back was no longer Non-stop.
When airtran has modified my schedule in the past, i always got an email and had to log in and confirm the changes. ; They do make a lot of changes, but spirit is just as bad like that. ;
I was just reading an article in the AllEars newsletter about camping in Fort Wilderness. ; It reminded me that some of the campers get pretty wild with their Christmas decorations. ; It may not be the Osborne Lights, but it might be worth a pass through if we have some otherwise unused time.
Totally agree with Fort Wilderness. ; I was planning to head over there on the Magic Kingdom day. ; Always love taking picture at Fort Wilderness, especially around sunset.