Antietam National Battlefield

i stood on little round top at gettysburg once, i bore sited down the barrel of a canon, i could not imagine the horror of a frontal assault on that position
Thanks guys!

"ddindy" said:
Have you considered putting out a coffee-table book?
No I haven't... ; I don't think I have enough photos of any one place or theme to fill a book like that... ;
"gary" said:
i stood on little round top at gettysburg once, i bore sited down the barrel of a canon, i could not imagine the horror of a frontal assault on that position

It's even more breathtaking to stand at the High Water Mark and look over to Seminary Ridge, and imagine thousands of soldiers crossing that distance yet still making that far through the cannon and rifle fire.....

But there is something to be said about the boys from Maine that stood their ground on Little Round Top until they decided to do a bayonet charge down the hill, along with the forgotten sharpshooters that had been out of the engagement until then. ; The battle really was won on that day.

Antietam however will always have its' place in our history.
the boys from Maine that stood their ground on Little Round Top
led by a schoolteacher, a quiet scholarly civilian soldier, combat circumstances can produce the most unlikely of heroes