Another day at the Dragstrip


This time I practised my panning technique. I found a shutter speed of 1/125s gave the best results. Keeping the background and wheels blurred. 1/250s worked okay but it wasn't as dramatic looking as these. ;D No post processing except some cropping for better compositions. All taken with a Nikon 18-200mm VR Zoom lens at various focal lengths. To see more, visit my online gallery with all the photos from the day:




Junior Dragsters are driven by kids ages 8 to 17 and hit a top speed of 85 in 1/8th mile runs.
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nice captures. panning is very difficult to do properly. i STINK at it.
that last one is MINT!
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very nice. I can smell the sweet sunoco leaded 110. mmmmmm good!
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you know, down here at moroso and bradenton, they have car shows/ drag races. with the power of digital "instant" film processing, you could set up a table and sell prints of the cars you just photographed.
Hmm.. it occurs to me that there's a drag strip reasonably near me.. for some reason I'm suddenly feeling the compulsion to go there.. I actually have been working on my panning technique, especially after I discovered that I seem to tend to lead the target when it gets parallel to the camera.

Very neat pictures.
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ok so it's not the drags, i'm a circle track kind of guy, i'm working on a 400+ gallery for my website, all taken 7/21/07, from the grounds of the square deal riders motorcycle club,harpursville, ny, from the pits, outside turn 2, and from the infield. a multiple class race day. this is from the infield, a 30 lap open expert race, the lee thomas cup

#51, rider craig estelle, a now retired former full time pro rider, riding a 650 rotex, power sliding into turn 4, i used my ex 550 flash with a better beamer fresnel at -2/3 stop, seemed to just light up the bike details enough
canon xti, 200mm f/2:8,

it was an exhausting day, but i got some good shots, learned a lot and got a lot of panning practice

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"Craig" said:
you know, down here at moroso and bradenton, they have car shows/ drag races. with the power of digital "instant" film processing, you could set up a table and sell prints of the cars you just photographed.

Good idea...I think they already have an offical track photographer. I'll make an inquiry. My daughter goes to horse shows and that's how it works there. The photographer would have a computer set up for people to view the images, write down the picture number and order the prints.
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"Dan" said:
Hmm.. it occurs to me that there's a drag strip reasonably near me.. for some reason I'm suddenly feeling the compulsion to go there.. I actually have been working on my panning technique, especially after I discovered that I seem to tend to lead the target when it gets parallel to the camera.

Very neat pictures.

Thanks, Dan. That is the tough part I found. Getting the vehicle into the frame. I cut off a lot of rear ends! The ones above I did crop to cut out some upper background due to the distance I was from the track itself. Focal lenghts varied from 70mm to 150mm depending on size and speed of the cars. I was there from 11am to 7pm so I had lots of practice. ;D
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Nice action shot!

I do enjoy photographing sporting events. It's a challenge to get moving action but there's never a lack of it. Learning when you have lots of opportunity to work with the camera as the subjects are predictable when it comes to placement is invaluable. Never know when such knowledge will come in handy.
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scott, were these at lancaster?, the stands look familiar
i crewed a friends modified back in the 80's & early 90's at lancaster a few times, a couple of the better paying shows, usually coupled with an oswego weekend, now there would be a panning challenge, a winged super at full speed at the steel palace
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"gary" said:
scott, where these at lancaster?, the stands look familiar
i crewed a friends modified back in the 80's & early 90's at lancaster a few times, a couple of the better paying shows, usually coupled with an oswego weekend, now there would be a panning challenge, a winged super at full speed at the steel palace

These were taken at ESTA Safety Park Dragstrip near Syracuse. My nephew used to take pictures for Gater Racing News at Oswego back in the 80's. I went with him a few times buy my equipement then wasn't up to the challenge. I'm going to head up to Oswego this Saturday, after eating dinner at Rudy's, to enjoy an evening of supermodified action. I'll bring the camera but, from the stands, I doubt I'll be able to get anything good.

The cars here, except for the Jr. Dragster, were probably doing over 120+ by the time they flu by me. So, after a few laps, I'd be able to catch me some supermods! ;) As you know, you have to do a smooth swivel with the camera while following the action, press the shutter and keep following thru, like a golf or bowling swing.

Don't forget to let me know if you are up here for Super Dirt Week!
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super dirt week is a certainty, most of the guys i camp next to at the fairgrounds were at the square deal meet, several are club officers or race day officials, that's how i got the unlimited access
i haven't been to oswego in a few years, used to hit the labor day bud 200 mod show regularly back in the 80's, i've seen isma and unwinged supers both there. i'll be at the fairgrounds wed-mon, always go up to brewerton thursday night for the 358 show, 2 years ago i went to fulton for the woo late models during dirt week, most years weather permiting i hit rolling wheels sat night for the ess/patriot/urc sprint challenge, but usually without camera, not great shots from the stands unless i had a great big honking heavy 2:8 with me, in the 300 or 400 range