Absolutely switch the schedule! You've got plenty of time to give them notice and work out favors with the co-workers and superiors. And if you don't have superiors...then you don't have to worry about switching the schedule! :)
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Everyone gives me grief for planning my trips to Disney Theme Parks a month before the trip, but this time it has paid off. My job doesn't allow for very much advanced planning on vacations.
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I created a Facebook event for Pixelmania!

If you were on my friends list you probably already got the invite, but if you weren't here is the link: ... 7889666394

Share with anyone you know that loves photography. They don't have to be a Disney nut like us but may just enjoy some photographic camaraderie and would like to take a trip to WDW
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i downloaded the logo and the faq and put them up on my phanfare site last night, don't know if i get any photography interested visitors, but hey you never know
As for switching with co-workers, currently I have none (the other person quit when I showed up and we are using a temp agency to fill in). That being said, they are trying to hire someone and I don't know how flexible that new person (whoever it may be) will be. If I can work it out, I will definitely be there. (here's hoping that they don't find someone or find someone very flexible!!!)
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ray's facebook event has been very beneficial in a short amount of time. thanks, ray.
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I figured since everyone else is using Facebook to get he word about events (my high school in Singapore uses it as it's primary vehicle for planning mini-reunions each year) why not use it for our event.

I just blasted it to everyone on my "disney friends" list and am already amazed that people who aren't on my friends list are responding to it.
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What's a 'Facebook'?


Yes...I do actually know what it is. I just never used it. Can't bring myself to use facebooks, twitters or tweeters, myspaces, linkedins, etc. I'm just a senior citizen in a middle-aged body when it comes to social networking - I prefer to do it face-to-face, the way they did it back when you had to walk to school barefoot uphill through 3 feet of snow.

But if Ray's got the angle on the newfangle - go for it!
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