ddindy Member Staff member Mar 24, 2020 #121 Social distancing springboks on the veldt. A Little Close
ddindy Member Staff member Mar 30, 2020 #122 Are you keeping your distance? How about your kids? I thought not. Be like these lions and stay safe. Be A Lion
Are you keeping your distance? How about your kids? I thought not. Be like these lions and stay safe. Be A Lion
Scottwdw Member Apr 1, 2020 #123 Got a nice portrait of a Sable Antelope in my last safari. Sable Antelope by Scott Thomas, on Flickr
Scottwdw Member Apr 2, 2020 #124 Had my best look at the male Mandrill on my last safari ride. Still had to crop a lot but love his colorful face. Male Mandrill by Scott Thomas, on Flickr
Had my best look at the male Mandrill on my last safari ride. Still had to crop a lot but love his colorful face. Male Mandrill by Scott Thomas, on Flickr
ddindy Member Staff member Apr 27, 2020 #125 Ah, break time. Time for a mid-morning snack. Morning Snack
ddindy Member Staff member May 25, 2020 #128 This line is so long! I need to sit down for a while. Even the Animals Queue
zackiedawg Member Staff member Jun 2, 2020 #129 So the giraffe was close: Then he saw something he liked, and got closer: Then he decided to taste the truck: Then he spotted the big black lens tube pointing at him...gee, that looks like it could be tasty!: After I declined his offer to eat my lens hood, he gave me some side-eye...close enough to see my own reflection in his eye (green shirt with camera):
So the giraffe was close: Then he saw something he liked, and got closer: Then he decided to taste the truck: Then he spotted the big black lens tube pointing at him...gee, that looks like it could be tasty!: After I declined his offer to eat my lens hood, he gave me some side-eye...close enough to see my own reflection in his eye (green shirt with camera):
ddindy Member Staff member Jun 11, 2020 #130 An orhtodontist could look at that mouth and think "That could finance a college education for all of my kids." An Orthodontist's Dream
An orhtodontist could look at that mouth and think "That could finance a college education for all of my kids." An Orthodontist's Dream
ddindy Member Staff member Jun 16, 2020 #131 Did you know that waterbucks don't really live in the water? The internet is a wondrous thing. Which Way to the Pool?
Did you know that waterbucks don't really live in the water? The internet is a wondrous thing. Which Way to the Pool?
ddindy Member Staff member Jun 22, 2020 #132 Living up to thei name, springboks actually do spring. Jumping for Joy
ddindy Member Staff member Aug 17, 2020 #135 This cat must be hungry, since it's not sleeping. Ready for Takeoff
ddindy Member Staff member Oct 7, 2020 #136 I have a feeling that every time I post a photo of one of these saddle-billed storks, I make a joke about delivering babies. I won't do it this time. No Deliveries Today
I have a feeling that every time I post a photo of one of these saddle-billed storks, I make a joke about delivering babies. I won't do it this time. No Deliveries Today
ddindy Member Staff member Oct 13, 2020 #137 It looks like a butcher left a big slab of lunchmeat on the ground. Hippo Loaf
ddindy Member Staff member Jan 8, 2021 #138 It's the latest weapon of the Desert Commandos. Rhino Camo