Animal Kingdom: Kilimanjaro Safaris

Thanks guys. That was more the light that day - it was perfect. I was only shooting my 18-250mm superzoom lens on my DSLR, so nothing special lens-wise. Perfect light and angle works every time!
Apparently Orlando is having an unusually wet autumn. On my late-September / early October trip, there were only a couple of days that were totally rain-free. For example, on the day I arrived at WDW, I headed over to Animal Kingdom for a quick visit. Just as I was about to board the safari truck, the skies opened for a downpour that lasted most of the ride.

So, as a result, I present to you a trio of rain-soaked giraffes.

Wet. How's the weather up there?
The very difficult to catch out in the open and photograph: mandrill:

I was lucky enough to catch one out on back to back trips - the first above was in December with my DSLR, and this one was with my mirrorless in January:
Had to go back a ways in the galleries for a crocodile shot - last trip in September, the crocs were all gone!:
Gone? That's strange. They're normally pretty reliable, and were there on the two safaris I took in Sep/Oct.
Might have been either a cleaning of the area - or work on the suspension bridge over it for the former walk-through safari...not sure. No crocs, no croc facts from the driver, no croc jokes...just a quiet and silent ride-past that point.
I feel like all of the DAK photos I've been posting lately have been Safari photos. But, if you've been in the park in 2015, you'll know that there's not much else to see due to all of the construction walls. Heck, there was even construction on Safari recently, preparing for the upcoming night safaris.

Meanwhile, here's a wildebeest and a song about him.

I'm a ganoo

It's Monday morning, and this reminds me of a place I'd rather be than at work. (Of course, I'd rather be almost anywhere other than work.)

Lazy Day