American Adventure Pics

Lets see some pictures from the American Adventure. ;)

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now you're talkin'. i LOVE the american adventure, one of the best show attractions in all of WDW. here are a few, i don't want to overrun the boards because i have so many photos from this wonderful show.

ben franklin and mark twain

ben franklin and thomas jefferson

civil war era family portrait

frederick douglass

finale, a legendary handshake
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Very nice- here are a few more of mine. All taken with my not particularly fast 18-200 'walk-around' lens. Next time I will come better equipped. ;)



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Okay - I have a question for all of you. I have a few photos of this attraction, but they are not as good as they could have been because I'm uncomfortable taking pictures and therefore am too quick to lower the camera after the shot is taken (and probably before it has been completely captured). I don't use the flash, and I try to cover the red light that comes on as the image is being written to the card, but the shutter sound is so loud that I feel as if it's annoying to other guests. Has anybody ever asked you to stop taking pictures? Do you think other people are bothered by the loud shutter in a quiet theater? Thanks.
nobody has ever said a word to me about this... i try to time the shot to when the sound gets a bit louder and i dont worry about lights on the camera; the preview screen goes out as soon as you rehit the shutter/focus button so that's not an issue. most of the time i try to sit away from other folks so they don't get upset but that's not always possible. generally, i don't worry about what others think, because i try to be as subtle as possible...
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