magic express was not free as so many thought, believe me, it is inside the rack rate and charged back to dvc costs for everybody. disney will just keep that money, since i really doubt hotel rates will go down. you will probably see the return of the mears presence, so the cost of disney vacation just went up probably $75-100 per head for round trip mco to resort, mears ran magical express anyway. you may see the return of the town car service to some degree, always a favorite of mine. i am not sure how the rental car market will be effected, prices went up after magical express took hold, but that was as much due to the major companies all reducing inventory at mco, a direct result of reduced demandwhich given the finite amount of space may not see a large increase in available cars, which in the future wouldn't surprise me to see mco develop an all in one rental car center as many large airports have done, and given they already know the technology, probably extend the air train out from the international terminal and loop back to the main terminal with the car center out on the airport fringe on boggy road south, near to entering 470. with the added bonus of being able to remove the rental garage, freeing up needed space for another domestic airside pod
it still surprises me because magic express, plus parking fees, all seemed to feed into the big disney springs shopping/dining push, families straying off property many times to eat, are families not spending it all inside the disney bubble, and you need transportation to leave the bubble