A6000 does Pirates up to ISO12,800


Staff member
Not a bad high ISO machine, this little beast! Finally got to try out the A6000 up at Disney, paired with the solid little Sony SEL35mm F1.8 OSS lens...I previously stayed at ISO6400 on the NEX-5N, but the A6000 is not uncomfortable at all raising the ISO another stop...

Even the fishnets are well rendered at ISO5,000


ISO6,400 the map details, clothing patterns and material, and other details still nicely rendered


Up to ISO8,000, and some very nice detail in the purple cloth, chair, clothing, and gold bars


My fault I didn't expose this one very well, but pushed up to ISO12,800 and still have some detail in the clothes - had I exposed it right, it probably would have been a touch better.


This is a quick outdoor snap at ISO12,800 in Frontierland - snapped this while Tim was taking HDR long exposures of the Liberty Belle just behind me. Not perfect, but usable - that 'usable' limit on my NEX-5N was at ISO6400, so it's a nice step up, plus a little more leeway with the 24MP sensor.

Remember too, these are all straight from camera JPGs, with high ISO NR set to Low. Shooting in RAW and with careful processing, I'm sure someone could pull even better out of them...I was on a no-processing trip, all JPG, all the time - had a lot of fun and very impressed with the versatility of this little mirrorless so far.
These are fantastic! It used to be impossible with film or really hard just a few years ago to get these shots. Nice stuff Justin!
I agree with Craig, awesome! I really like the moron with the map and the shot of Frontierland (Tim taking HDR?) is fantastic for hand held high ISO!
Thanks guys. Tim was experimenting a bit with his A6000 that night too - he was shooting the 1D in Haunted Mansion just before - we rode through twice - and then I had to head out as I had left my mother waiting back at Dole Whip, and Tim had the tripod along to do some night HDR long exposures - the in-camera mode on the Sony e-mounts is really nifty for that type of stuff.
Great colors on pirates. Particularly the pig scene which always comes out very red.
Thanks...Shooting JPG will always have a little of that lighting color cast in there, which I don't mind much - but I did set to Incandescent, level 2 on white balance which helped pull the reds way down. Still too lazy to shoot RAW and adjust later!