A walk from the TTC to the Poly to the Grand Floridian

"Grumpwurst" said:
Does that mean you'll share ;)

If Craig doesn't have it, I will have mine. Hit me up, if it's not on my camera, you are welcome to use it.
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Craig, what can I say. These are AWESOME! Great job! I of course love the shots of the Poly, but the GF shots are spectacular as well. That 11mm really is a huge advantage in that giant lobby.
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"Scottwdw" said:
If Craig doesn't have it, I will have mine. Hit me up, if it's not on my camera, you are welcome to use it.


That's very generous of you as well! I wonder what that sucker will do with the Osborne Family Spectacle of Dancing Lights
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"Craig" said:
Thanks Kevin!
I used the Tokina 11-16mm that I rented. url=http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/554036-REG/Tokina_ATX116PRODXN_11_16mm_f_2_8_AT_X_116.html]It's in stock right now at BHPhoto!![/url]

Thanks for the link...I'll have to see about renting one, since it's going to be a while before SWMBO will free up funds to purchase one!

I really like the latest pics you posted, too. Most excellent!

I really like the brightness of the colors on the pictures - I'm going to guess you're playing with white balance and such?

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"scpergj" said:
I really like the brightness of the colors on the pictures - I'm going to guess you're playing with white balance and such?

I played a little. I shot the GF with +.5 EV because the lighting is contrasty in the afternoon in there. I lifted the shadows a little on the computer, and adjusted the white balance off the columns and such.
Craig taught me a really cool tip on how to set the white balance when we got to visit with him and Dina during their June trip
Craig - absolutely gorgeous shots. You are making that lens sing - brilliant colors, brilliant contrast, wonderful compositions. You MUST add it to your collection!

"gary" said:
i've been complaining for years, on every survey disney ever asks me to take, why oh why in this day and age can i not get a decent civilized cup of coffee anywhere in the world but kona cafe and citrico's, the only 2 places i can verify french press because they bring the press right to the table, even the flying fish, our traditional night before flying home dinner, does not use a press, at least not as of mousefest 07

I agree, and I also have to update you on another place in Disney that uses a french press - and in my opinion with the absolute greatest available coffee anywhere in Disney, as well as one of the best beans on earth - Jiko in the AK Lodge. Always with the press at the table, and using the finest Kenya AA Roast beans - some of the most flavorful, strong, rich, wonderful coffee beans there are. I've been drinking the same combination at home for many years - Kenya AA or Tanzania beans in a french press.

The Kona is great too - a much smoother, sweeter, less strong coffee good for accompanying breakfast or mellowing out.
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mousefest 2009, coffee's of the world meet
the search for the best cuppa joe in the world
hosted by gary & zackiedawg
I'm in! You can host the morning coffee meet, and I'll host the nighttime coffee meet. ;)
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"zackiedawg" said:
Craig - absolutely gorgeous shots. You are making that lens sing - brilliant colors, brilliant contrast, wonderful compositions. You MUST add it to your collection!

Thanks so much Justin! :)
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"PolynesianMedic" said:
Are you going to divulge it? The really cool tip, I mean. ;)

On mine and Ray's D80's to pre-set the white balance you have to dive through a bunch of menus which is annoying while you are in the middle of shooting. But on Nikon's when you set your WB button to "pre" and then press and hold the WB button, the top LCD starts flashing, you can then press the shutter to pre-set the WB. It works much faster. This is what you would do when using a white card, or Tim's expodisc, which he talked about HERE

BUT, that being said, I have never had to do that on the D300!! the D300 is absolutely WONDERFUL to shoot with. I have shot it on auto WB since day 1. On maybe 10 photos have I selected a different WB setting. I don't even have auto WB set to +/-.
I tweaked the WB and saturation on almost every shot on the D80.
If and when Tim upgrades to the New Canon 5d, he may never need his expodisc again!
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"Craig" said:
This is what you would do when using a white card, or Tim's expodisc, which he talked about HERE

I like the expodisc! Ive been having trouble getting the right white balance on my pics (especially since I like my colors a little more saturated so I tried using a user defined setting but my whites look a little yellow). My best results so far, the day I took my camera to school to take pictures of the kids in their costumes. I took a picture of a white piece of fabric in my room and then custom set my WB to that picture. I just wish the expodisc wasnt 80 bucks!
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You can get expodisc knockoffs on eBay for less than $10. Do a search for "expodisc" and they will show up.
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you can still order expodisc from b&h and have it in plenty of time for mousefest. i am not a fan of ebay knockoffs even if the price is much cheaper. too much variation in quality for my liking.
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"Tim" said:
you can still order expodisc from b&h and have it in plenty of time for mousefest. i am not a fan of ebay knockoffs even if the price is much cheaper. too much variation in quality for my liking.

I would order the expodisc now in a heartbeat except the price. And my family is kind of in the no buy zone right now- were not allowed to buy anything for ourselves between my birthday and Christmas. Put it on your Christmas list although 80 bucks is kind of expensive for something to put on my list!
See you at Mousefest!
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