A Tour of Old Town San Diego

Ok, rather than posting one at a time, I am going to kick this up a bit and throw a few at a time your way, for your viewing enjoyment! ; Here we go...

Johnson House
Here are a few from El Campo Santo Cemetary, Old Town San Diego...

You REALLY don't want to be stealing rowboats in Old Town...
Here is the grave of Yankee Jim Robinson.
Since several of you thought the Whaley House Courtroom was so neat, here are a few more views of it...

Absolutely beautiful shots - look like they could be in the tour book for the place.

I'm embarrassed to say after living in L.A. 5 years, and going to San Diego quite regularly, I've never stopped to look at Old Town. ; Too bad too, as it appears I missed a cool place.
Great pics...I really like the cafe there. This isn't the best pic, but I enjoy sitting outside near the fountain.

Great shots all. ; I really am looking forward to checking all of this out when we get there. ; 2012 is really starting to look like it will be when we go, and I think that we will make a week plus trip out there to see as much as we can.
Thanks, all, for the nice compliments. ; I have more if you want me to post them...

Yes it is a Photoshop action that I came across. ; I think we have discussed it here before... ; Try searching for gallery frame or signature frame. ;
"Tim" said:
Yes it is a Photoshop action that I came across. ; I think we have discussed it here before... ; Try searching for gallery frame or signature frame. ;


Found it, and have been playing with it some. ; It really is cool! ; I have some minor differences (I have Elements 6.0), but was easily able to 'translate'. ;

