A "Taste" of my weekend (graphic nature warning)

"zackiedawg" said:
Well I'm stuck with 500mm max at the moment...

You call that stuck? :D Oh, how I'd love the Nikon 600mm f/4 VR (on a cropped body that's 900mm folks!). Anyone got a few grand they can give me? Like 10 of them! ;D
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Re: A "Taste" of my weekend (graphic nature warnin


If only you were closer to Indy...for a 'few' grand on a 10k+ lens, and the op. to share it, I'd be down! ;)
Now there's an idea...lens sharing! Get together with a local who has the same mount - all buy in and time-share the lens out.

Wow...I might have to pitch that idea around the wetlands for other Sony/Minolta body users...maybe we can pitch in for a really expensive lens none of us would buy on our own!
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Re: A "Taste" of my weekend (graphic nature warnin

I'd love it, but I could also see it turning into a headache. Ah well...I'll keep dreaming of big glass!
We need to form a co-op! The lens costs $538 to rent for 7 days which wouldn't be bad if one is going on a special trip like to Alaska, Yellowstone or some other wildlife mecca.
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