A few Wand Free Spaceship Earth to get you ready for The Epcot Thing


Staff member
Here's a few more wand free Spaceship Earth photos to get you guy's warmed up for the Epcot Thing. These were all taken in August 2007. We were there while they were taking it down.
Have Fun on October 1st at EPCOT CENTER!

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"Craig" said:
Have Fun on October 1st at EPCOT CENTER!

Uhh I don't have 1.21 jigawatts so I doubt I'll be able to go to EPCOT Center anytime soon.
"rlongenbach" said:
Uhh I don't have 1.21 jigawatts so I doubt I'll be able to go to EPCOT Center anytime soon.

I know, you're right. But, when I walked into Epcot without that wand, I felt like I stepped backed in time.