A few new macros


Caught this guy scaling a wall, added a little HDR to add some drama

and one of the many dragons that were whipping around

both shot with canon 20d and canon 100mm 2.8 macro lens
I really like the HDR on the lizard. Here our lizards are the 'blend with the desert and be the same color as a scorpion' southwest kinds even though I live in the Hill Country. Sometimes I miss the color.
Good catch on the dragonfly. They seem to be hard to catch. But that damselfly I got last summer actually let me get relatively close and fluttered it's wings a couple times.
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thanks, dragons are hard to photo, you have to really be patient. I find that if you find one perching on a twig or branch, you can get pretty close. Even if the fly away most of the time they will come back to the same branch. I have been able to get with in 2 inches or so a few times.