2nd Hardest Shot in MK

Great shot Jeff, these newer camera's seem to be making it easier to catch some of these once impossible shots! I like this one a lot, nice job
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part of the reason he is so hard to get a photo of (beside the darkness) is the fact that your doombuggy makes a hard left turn while going backward so you have very limited time to fire away. this was about as good as i could do.


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Joe ("Express Monorail" on Flickr--he posts here, I think) just got an amazing shot of the caretaker. You should check it out.

I disagree about that shot being more difficult, for the simple reason that if you ride enough times, your doombuggy will inevitably stop at that location, making a shot relatively "easy". I have never been on PotC when it has stopped by the helmsman. Without banking on the ride stopping, then yeah, I agree that the caretaker is more difficult... In any case, GREAT shot. I'm not even going to bother until I get a camera capable of 6400 ISO or better.
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I saw his on Flickr, that seems to be DL's HM, which, for some reason (Holiday) is brighter than MK's for the caretaker.
Yeah, I got both these pretty well, but like Roger said - I think they're easier out there for some reason...

(click the pictures to view them larger)

P.S. Thanks for the props, Tom ;)
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here is my latest attempt at the WDW Haunted Mansion Caretaker:

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"J°O°E" said:
Yeah, I got both these pretty well, but like Roger said - I think they're easier out there for some reason...

(click the pictures to view them larger)

P.S. Thanks for the props, Tom ;)


I don't know how I missed this, but WOW!

I looked at the EXIF and noticed you are shooting a Nikon D300 and I just got one myself so that makes me feel better about what I can get out of it. But what lens were you using. It shows you were at 30mm and f/1.4. So the f-stop indicates the lens has some speed to it
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i agree with roger that DL's caretaker has better lighting to him than WDW. i have had better luck in DL overall, come to think of it.
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"Tim" said:
i agree with roger that DL's caretaker has better lighting to him than WDW. i have had better luck in DL overall, come to think of it.

I'm not sure [HOLIDAY] why that is. Perhaps [Cal-OSHA] it's because of the constant sunshine [Exit illumination] in SoCal? Or maybe [to stop guests from using it as an interment location] it's because the rides closer to John get more attention?
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Thanks Grumpwurst... Sigma 30mm f/1.4. After returning from WDW here recently I would say it is definite that the DL version of both of the shots I posted are in fact lit better.
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"J°O°E" said:
I would say it is definite that the DL version of both of the shots I posted are in fact lit better.

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