You asked for it, you got it! Spaceship Earth without the wand


Staff member
The crowd roared with appreciation at Tim's latest 8x10...
Here she is, ladies and germs, Epcot's Spaceship Earth returned to her original beauty. I will admit, I still miss the wand and glove, but I am beginning a convert. I am not a purist by any stretch, but being in Epcot on 10/1/2007 and hearing the old classic music and seeing the old Future World Icons kind of has an effect on someone. Stay turned for full coverage of the 25th Anniversary and The Epcot Thing very soon.

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Beautiful picture as always Tim. Thanks for posting it. I can't wait to hear more.
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whoa whoa whoa

Tim can you post a 100% crop of the bottom?

The monoliths fit in very well in that shot. Did they move some of them?

Very nice!!!!!!!!!
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Wonderful Picture as always Tim. I'll be back in the World in 10 days, and your site has me so excited to be going back. I can't wait to hear all about the 25th, and wish I could have been there.
the leave a legacy columns have not been moved. this was taken from in front of the "planter" than runs down the middle of the entry way because they had a huge ratatooie display for food and wine right in the middle and a wide angle shot from the back was impossible at that time. in november i will re-do this shot from the back to get some more columns in the foreground.
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that would be the same mirrored column that has always been there. it's in front of the entrance to the attraction itself. there is a door in the column opposite the attraction entrance. not sure what it is for.
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"rlongenbach" said:
it looks like the acrylic sculpture of old.
I though the same thing. I looked at my own pictures today to see if it was there. I thought maybe they added a new sculpture just for the event. Its funny that I never noticed that before today.
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