WTB: Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D or f/1.4 AND/OR SB-400 Flash

Shipping would be necessary unless you're somewhere near Indianapolis, IN or Valparaiso, IN.

I'm most likely interested in the f/1.8D given the price, but with the recently announced f/1.4G, I'm wondering if someone might be looking to unload their f/1.4. Let me know if anyone is interested in selling these items.

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Be careful about those 50mm lenses. the older ones will not focus on your d40 because they have no internal focus motor.
for your d40, you need the BRAND new nikon 50mm or you need to get a sigma that will focus. and in that case, you may prefer the sigma 30mm.

Roger will know exactly what you need!
Thanks--I know that the lenses I'm inquiring about aren't AF-S. Since I don't plan on keeping the D40 for too much longer, I'd rather not shell out the extra money to get an AF-S lens (since the Sigma 30mm is like $450 and this new 50mm is--I think--around the same). For the mean time, I will just bear with manual focus. But thanks for heads up!
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