Wishes From The New Fantasyland

Thanks again to those who gave very kind comments on my first 2 posts.

Here's a few fireworks shots I took last March from the New Fantasyland area. ; You can find really interesting compositions here with Beast Castle and Ariel's Undersea Adventure in the foreground. ; Another thing you'll notice when shooting here: ; the bursts near Cinderella's castle can provide really nice "fill light" on the area.

Fireworks Friday - From Ariel's Undersea (and Overhead) Adventures by Allen Castillo, on Flickr

Wishes by Allen Castillo, on Flickr

Fireworks Friday - Above the Fiery Redhead by Allen Castillo, on Flickr

Fireworks Friday - Wishes by Allen Castillo, on Flickr
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these are really nice, and this location just shot to the top of the list for pixelmania consideration
Excellent Allen! ; This is one of those things I've been thinking might be worth a try, but only having been to new Fantasyland a few times I hadn't yet figured out if it would work, where the fireworks would come from when back there, etc. ; Now I know! ; And definitely some cool compositions and different takes on the fireworks - the Ariel idea is very creative and very cool.