I get this question alot and it's an easy answer. ; For me, it's the little moments. ; The small details. ; The happiness we always feel when we are there. The surprisingly quiet times when, in all the world..no one else is around.
; Even the meltdowns bring a smile (well..ok, that's a stretch but this one..I just couldn't help. ; I thought it was adorable, even though he was not so amused.
The moment when my oblivious son realized a really cute girl was trying to get his attention at Ol' Man Island Pool at Port Orleans..
The time my youngest son was determined that we were not going to rush to the next place as he really wanted to collect some Mickey confetti that was on the ground at the entrance to the Magic Kingdom..
Taking a class at Saratoga Springs Resort on how to make towel animals and then staying because my son didn't want to leave until we had a Disney zoo
The way it makes him feel to get away from work and just "be"
Why do you keep going back?

The moment when my oblivious son realized a really cute girl was trying to get his attention at Ol' Man Island Pool at Port Orleans..

The time my youngest son was determined that we were not going to rush to the next place as he really wanted to collect some Mickey confetti that was on the ground at the entrance to the Magic Kingdom..

Taking a class at Saratoga Springs Resort on how to make towel animals and then staying because my son didn't want to leave until we had a Disney zoo

The way it makes him feel to get away from work and just "be"

Why do you keep going back?